First we will explore the 4 interaction styles then we'll drive into the fascinating world of MPA & decision-making.
Classes Time: 7pm EST-10pm EST.
Here is the zoom link:
I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC), Board-Certified Dance-Movement Therapist (BC-DMT), Reiki Master/Teacher, and a certified Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA) consultant.
Taken directly from
"I love helping people discover the healthiest versions of themselves, whether that’s through individual talk therapy, movement workshops, or corporate trainings.
We are so often bombarded by messages of tackling the next goal, growing in the professional world, becoming successful, and general busy-ness that we become balls of stress and racing thoughts. And although so many around us are experiencing similar overwhelm and frustration, we find it hard to open up and relate. So instead, we bury things, feel misunderstood, ignore feelings, and eventually burn out.
My approach to working with and helping others is to support uncovering each person’s true, authentic self. But what does this mean? It is my belief that you have the answers, you just need some support to uncover them. I help people experience the safety needed to start recognizing and working through difficult emotions; to find the time to listen to their inner wisdom; and to discover the motivation to show up more fully, embodied, and grounded.
Because being a ball of stress and racing thoughts, although it may have helped you find some success or protection, is not going to get you to the next step. True success is when you feel like you’re thriving, not just surviving; genuine satisfaction comes when you’re really living, not just existing."
I'm soooooo EXCITED that Katie is able to join out Level #6: Cohesion class on Interaction Styles because she'll do live coaching sessions with anyone who is interested.
Taken directly from
"Are you trying to reach the next level of success? Do you feel like you’ve achieved a lot on your own but are open to learning new ways to maximize and achieve your goals? Do you struggle with making decisions? Are you seeking ways to understand your motivations and others’ motivations on a deeper level?
Coaching may be right for you if:
This video is a brief overview of Movement Pattern Analysis (MPA), It's true! You "move" in a "pattern," which can be "analyzed."
Yup, we all have a behavioral fingerprint that indicates how we are motivated to spend our time and energy making decisions and interacting with people.
This week, we will explore the 4 interaction styles: Sharing (aka extrovert), Private (aka introvert), Versatile (aka ambivert), and Neutral (not a strong need for Sharing or Private).
As you might imagine, first the Industrial Revolution and the creation of electricity and assembly lines changed the way the world worked. Then during World War II, the world shifted again in a big way. Because the men were off fighting in a war, women suddenly were doing what, at that time, was considered to be more male-based effort-based physical jobs like stacking tires. And these changes and challenges soon gave birth to a line of work called, "business consultants."
In this interesting article you'll discover how one of the first business consultants in Britain partnered with a famous dance instructor and soon they were tracking and measuring movement. The article puts is so fabulously, "The quality of movement is matters more than simply quantity of movement."
This is where it all began for me!
Read this easy-to-read article about decoding world leaders through their movements.
When a report leaked to the media that the Pentagon was paying a ream of "body language experts" hundreds of thousands of dollars to profile world leaders to anticipate their next moves, FOX and CNN called me. The producers wanted to know if my team and me and the Body Language Institute were the people working with the Pentagon. I said, "No, but in the future, I would like it to be us!"
This sent me on a mission to find out more and I discovered the group working with the Pentagon, were a team of decision-making profilers who were trained in something I had never heard of before, "Movement Pattern Analysis" (MPA).
In this fast-paced and fascinating podcast, you'll listen to one of my former instructors in the MPA certification program (she was my least fav, but man she knows her stuff man) I took at Columbia College in Chicago.
As the website notes, Ritu Chander shares:
Becasue MPA is likely something you have never heard of before you signed up for 7 Levels of Reading & Influencing Human Behavior, I put together some commonly asked questions to get you primed for our upcoming courses on this incredible topic.
Check out the most commonly asked questions about MPA::
Did you know that the first motion picture was created based on a bet made by a couple rich guys who wondered if horses could fly?!
Directly taken from the article:
"When a horse trots or gallops, does it ever become fully airborne? This was the question photographer Eadweard Muybridge set out to answer in 1878. Railroad tycoon and former California governor Leland Stanford was convinced the answer was yes and commissioned Muybridge to provide proof. Muybridge developed a way to take photos with an exposure lasting a fraction of a second and, with reporters as witnesses, arranged 12 cameras along a track on Stanford’s estate.
Muybridge’s stop-motion technique was an early form of animation that helped pave the way for the motion-picture industry, born a short decade later."
As you might imagine, the way leaders make their decisions vastly varies from one leader to the next.
What if I told you that based on how the leader moves, you can determine with 99% accuracy how that leader is motivated to spend their time and energy when making decisions and how they innately prefer to interact with you?
I'm going to explain MPA to you in a much less complicated way and you'll walk away inspired to look at yourself and the people in your world in a different way!
Meet the MPA decision-making profilers in my consulting company called, the Decision Profiling Group (DPG). You've already met Chris Ulrich during our online zoom session in our current course. And tonight you'll meet Katie Bellamy, the best profiler in the world.
Katie will join us at the end of class and share with you strategies to lead, inspire, and interact with the people in your life in the most effective way possible. Katie will blow your mind, so make sure you make it to class!
Taken directly from YouTube:
We often think about treating the mind and body as two separate entities, but MacDonald, an adjunct faculty member in The Theatre School at DePaul, says we should think of them as one in the same.
In her TEDx talk, “How we move is how we think,” she’ll share how analyzing our movement patterns can actually help us make better decisions at work, at home and maybe even help us be a bit more productive. MacDonald has spent her career studying and teaching about the connections between movement and the brain. She explores why we behave the way we do and how we can consciously choose our direction in life in a variety of areas, including developmental movement, thinking in movement and the relationship of movement to decision making.
Taken directly from YouTube:
Before she can tell us how to see past what drives us nuts, Janine Driver tells us about two important things -- that we are all in fact judgmental, and that we often suffer from inattentional blindness. Such circumstances can make us feel crazy. How do we get around it? Movement pattern analysis.
Each of us has a fingerprint.
Those who understand the system can tell a great deal about people by watching them move. But we can also use it. As Driver tells us, whenever something is driving her nuts, she now wiggles. It is a movement from early childhood, and one CANNOT be angry when one is wiggling. This, she tells us, can save you headaches, and more importantly, friends.
The YMCA hired the Decision Profiling Group (DPG) to help boost morale and to unite the team in a way that inspired them to look at their world, themselves, and one another in a different way.
Did DPG do out job, watch the video below to find out...
"As wee move forward I see how MPA has ignited a passion in my team understanding themselves more and each other more. There's an excitement about that!"
"DPG gave me the opportunity too really grow and see who I'm really meant to be. It doesn't matter what that other person's MPA profile is because when you know how to work with that other person and what their traits are."
"The biggest problem on our team was probably we didn't understand each other. as well as we probably should... And now with this information we're not going to have a lot of limiting beliefs with people."
"I really have a better understanding of how I spend my time making decisions and how I'm motivated to make decisions. You really do need a diverse team of people to get to better decisions."
"MPA rocked my world!.. because I knew I had issues trying to evaluate different decisions... and kind of get stuck of where do I go next? And it's (MPA) helped me realize, there's a reason you do that and there are ways that you can get out of that."
"Movement Pattern Analysis has changed my life!"
"If I had Movement Pattern Analysis at the begging of my career I think that I would have built stronger teams as a leader, but I also think I would have hired people differently."
"I found out I'm more of a leader than I thought I was!"
"MPA makes you understand yourself better and why you connect with certain people and why you don't! It would've been such value if I had had this years ago!"
"I can now make better decisions not only for myself, but for the company."
"MPA rocked my world today because it opened my eyes to who I am as a person and how my style is. DPG knows what they're doing... they're surprisingly spot on, scary spot on!"